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9 winter wellness tips for a happier, healthier winter

There’s something about winter (in the Northern Hemisphere, at least) that makes it harder to maintain healthy habits. Even after the holiday season is over, many struggle to find the motivation to pick up a healthy routine again.

But if there’s ever a time to maintain healthy habits, it’s during the cold, dreary months. By following these winter wellness tips, you’ll not only feel better, but also be more motivated, productive, and prepared to take on the challenges that will inevitably come your way. There’s a good chance you’ll enjoy winter more than you otherwise would have, even if you’re not a fan of winter.

Exercise regularly

No matter how tempted you are to hibernate in your bedroom with your favorite pillows and blankets all winter, make sure you’re exercising regularly, at least 3–4 days a week. With yoga, treadmills, and home workouts to keep your body moving, you don’t even have to go outside if you don’t want to.

If your workout routine has you in a rut, winter is the perfect time to switch up how you stay active, including many fun activities and sports that can’t be done any other time of year. 

Eat a nutritious diet

Nutritious foods go a long way in helping you feel better and more energized, even if the lack of sunlight is keeping you down. Embrace seasonal fruits and vegetables as much as you can, which often includes citrus fruits, pomegranates, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. These foods are rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants and will be easier to find (and taste better) this time of year.

Lean in to the cozy vibes of winter by incorporating warm, nutritious stews and soups into your diet as well. Soup can be a delightful culinary experience, one you’re probably not going to want to savor during the warm months, so enjoy it while you can.

Stay hydrated

You may not think about drinking water as much when the temps plummet and the sun retreats, but staying hydrated is still important. Start your day with a quick glass of water, and don’t forget to keep hydrating throughout the day!

Take care of your skin

Winter air tends to be dry, and modern heating systems can dry out your skin further. Moisturizers and cream can help to an extent, but don’t underestimate the power of hydrating within, too. A supplement like Oasis, which is formulated with hyaluronic acid, potent antioxidants, and marine collagen, can help support healthy skin  in harsh winter environments.

Sunscreen is also important during the winter, even if you aren’t spending as much time outside. You’d be surprised how often you’re exposed to sunlight from your car or while running errands. Sleeping with a humidifier at night can also be a skin saver during the winter.

Stay on top of your vitamins and supplements

Speaking of winter supplements, winter is a good time to make sure you’re getting the vitamins and minerals you need. With fewer fresh produce options available, winter is a good time to take stock of the nutrients you may not be getting enough of. Vitamin C, which helps support immune and skin health, and vitamin D, which we tend to get less of during the winter, are two good supplements to prioritize during the winter months.

Help out your immune system

With people spending more time inside, it’s easier for viruses to spread, hence the increase in colds and flus. Support your immune system by being extra diligent with good hygiene (such as washing hands frequently), consuming plenty of vitamin-rich foods, taking an immune-support supplement like Immunizen, and staying physically active. 

Of course, we can’t always control how often we’re exposed to the latest viruses, but if you feel a cold coming on, stay home as much as possible to avoid spreading your illness to others. 

Don’t skimp on sleep

Long winter nights mean more darkness—which is also an excellent opportunity to get more rest. Most of us have some work to do to ensure we’re getting more, better-quality sleep, so use those extra dark hours to establish better sleep habits that will lead to better sleep year round.

Go outside

Even if you don’t like the cold, make sure you’re getting outside occasionally, especially when the sun’s out. Spending time in the great outdoors is one of nature’s best mood boosters. If you’ve been stuck inside all day—or, worse, can’t remember when you spent more than five minutes outside—some fresh air and change of scenery could be just what you need. 

Stay socially engaged

Once the holidays are over, people tend to hibernate in their homes as much as possible until spring. While there’s nothing wrong with some quality alone time and a lighter schedule, try not to retreat too much from society. Dedicate some time to your favorite people, and make an effort to get to know new people, as well. Our social connections are a vital part of our health at any time of year, but can be a real lifeline when the world feels cold and dark.

One of the most wonderful times of the year

Winter is a great time to slow down and re-prioritize healthy habits, and offers plenty of unique opportunities that aren’t possible any other time of year. Embrace the beauty of winter by taking care of your body, mind, and soul. With a little effort, winter just might become one of your favorite times of the year.

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