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6 reasons to make “eat more fiber” your focus this year

Updated: Jan 17, 2024

Whether it’s the start of a new calendar year or a new school year, whether you have an important milestone coming up or no changes on the horizon at all, goals have a way of working their way into our minds and conversations. After all, who doesn’t love a fresh start?

We all have things we want to change and goals we want to work toward—but our good intentions don’t always convert into actual actions. Sometimes it takes a shift in mindset to succeed, but other times all we need to do is simplify.

Which is why this year, this month, this week, we’re giving you permission to focus on just one goal for your health: consume more fiber. If you have any health goals on your radar, chances are good that eating more fiber will help you reach them.

Don’t believe us? Keep reading.

1. You probably aren’t eating enough of it

Most Americans don’t eat enough fiber. The reasons for this vary—some don’t enjoy the taste of fiber-rich foods, and packaging on processed foods can mislead us to think that we’re consuming more fiber than we actually are. So if you’re part of the 90% who aren't getting enough fiber, that’s reason enough to start thinking about ways to work more of it into your diet. 

2. Supports digestion

Fiber helps support a healthy digestive system. Digestive troubles are no fun, which is why it’s a good idea to be intentional about your fiber intake.

3. Helps support normal, healthy cholesterol  levels

Fiber plays a big role in heart health too, even though you may not hear about fiber and heart health together as much. One way fiber supports heart health is by supporting normal, healthy cholesterol levels. Too much LDL cholesterol (aka, the “bad” cholesterol) can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries. Fiber, specifically soluble fiber, forms a gel-like substance in your intestines, which slows down digestion and prevents the body from reabsorbing cholesterol in the bloodstream. 

4. Helps support normal, healthy blood sugar levels 

Your blood sugar levels can tell you a lot about your overall health, even if you don’t have a condition that requires you to monitor it. So whether you’ve been told to monitor your blood sugar or you simply have a sweet tooth (or a love for all carbs), fiber can be a game-changer. Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream so your blood sugar won’t spike as much after you eat high-carb foods.

5. Supports healthy weight management

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know that hunger can be your biggest foe. Fiber can help with this, too. High-fiber foods tend to be more filling than other foods, which is a huge help in managing hunger and helping you stay satiated, therefore making it easier to stay on track with weight management. Fiber also helps you feel full for longer, which in turn helps curb unnecessary snacking and overeating.

6. Provides support for the microbiome

The microbiome comprises trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the body and plays a significant role in overall health. Fiber serves as fuel for the good bacteria in the gut, promoting a healthy gut microbiome. And you know what they say—healthy gut, happy life. 

Focus on fiber

There are many ways to support your health, but if you need to narrow your focus a bit, eating more fiber is a good way to go. If you aren’t getting the daily recommended amount of fiber in your diet, check out this list of fiber-rich foods for ideas to get you started. 

You could also try a fiber supplement like Balance or LiFiber to help you close the gap. Just to be sure to increase your fiber uptake slowly to minimize temporary digestive discomfort


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