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2021 Unicity Holiday Gift Guide

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

Still looking for a gift for that friend who’s impossible to buy for? Need some inspiration to help you fill in the gaps on your gift list? Unicity’s 2021 holiday gift guide is here to help.

Whether you’re looking for a stocking stuffer or a present for your next holiday party, each of these Unicity gifts can help make someone’s life better in a small way. Just be sure to order soon to ensure they’ll arrive in time for the holidays!

For the Coffee Lover: BioReishi FX

Add some warmth to someone’s day with a steaming mug of BioReishi FX. Each box comes with 10 individual-serving packets, so you can either gift one lucky person with a whole box, or include a packet or two in your neighbor and coworker gifts. (It also makes a great stocking stuffer!)

For an extra bit of holiday cheer, include your favorite coffee-themed recipe with your gift. There’s more than one way to enjoy BioReishi!

For Your Friend with the Longest To-Do List: Unimate

A busy lifestyle with a long to-do list can be daunting to face without a little help. Unimate provides a refreshing pick-me-up to help anyone power through their day.

Yerba mate has been traditionally used to promote mental clarity, endurance, appetite control, and an improved mood. Unimate is a proprietary extract that enhances the benefits of yerba mate and contains more chlorogenic acids than a typical cup of coffee.

No matter what daily tasks await, Unimate can help support your cognitive function and endurance, not to mention help you feel great. Unimate helps make great days the rule, not the exception, making it a great gift for any friend.

For the Person Who Doesn’t Have the Time (or Energy) for Meal Prep: Unicity Complete

Maintaining a healthy diet isn’t easy. The time spent finding and preparing food alone can take hours each week. Rather than letting your friend reach for the ready-to-eat snacks and meals at the store, present them with a healthier alternative: Unicity’s meal-replacement shake Complete.

Unicity Complete is a convenient way to meet your basic nutritional needs. It is high protein and low carb, with fiber to increase satiety. It also contains 100% of the recommended daily intake for many essential vitamins and minerals.

Easy to make: check. Nutritious: check. Tasty: check.

If you want to simplify someone’s meal routine and help them kick off healthier habits, you can’t go wrong with Complete.

For the One Who Doesn’t Sleep Enough: Unicity Melatonin

We all have that friend who always seems to be sleep deprived. Perhaps you are that friend. And if you are, you know that sleep is just about the best gift anyone can receive.

Melatonin is a hormone that helps control the body’s sleep and wake cycles. But sometimes, the body doesn’t produce enough, making it hard to fall asleep at the right time. Unicity’s Melatonin is an easy way to complement the body’s production of this important hormone to help with occasional sleeplessness.*

For Those Who Are Always On-the-Go: Unicity Diamond Bottle

Here’s a gift that will work for anyone on your list! Drinking plenty of water each day—at least 64 oz. (1900 mL)—is important for overall health. Give your friends and family Unicity’s stylish Diamond bottle to encourage them to do just that, no matter where they're at.

Each bottle holds up to 16 oz (500 mL) and comes with a screw-on cap to prevent spills, making it the perfect on-the-go companion.

For Your Loved One Who Wants to Support a Healthy Immune System: Unicity Immunizen

The winter months present an extra challenge to the immune system, as most of us spend more time indoors.

So give Immunizen as a gift to someone you care about. Immunizen contains a unique blend of ingredients that supports the body’s natural immune function, including bovine colostrum, which provides key immunoglobulins, protein compounds, and enzymes that support the body’s healthy immune system. Immunizen also promotes friendly intestinal bacteria, and provides the body with beneficial antioxidants.

For Anyone Who Experiences Occasional Stress: Unicity Stress Aid

The holidays can be joyful and fun, but they can also be packed and stressful. Send some stress aid your friends’ way to help promote a feeling of well-being during the busyness of the holidays and start off the new year right.

Unicity’s Stress Aid is a powerful vitamin and herbal formula that helps deliver nutrients to the body. This formula is designed to supplement your body’s demands during strenuous physical exercise, dieting, lack of sleep, or just during everyday life pressures.

For more ideas on Unicity gifts to buy this holiday season, visit Unicity’s Shop page. Make sure you get your orders in soon to ensure they’ll reach you before it’s time to exchange gifts!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

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