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Omega-3 softgels: What’s fact and what’s fiction

If the supplements industry were a sport, omega-3 softgels would be one of its star players. Omega-3s have been said to support everything from our skin complexion to our mental health—but how much is actually fact, and how much is simply a myth?

Below, we’ve compiled some of the most common assumptions about omega-3s to clarify what is fact and what is fiction.

1. Everyone needs omega-3s: Fact

The EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils help support normal, healthy blood pressure levels, which is how we often hear about omega-3s.

However, everyone needs omega-3s in their diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are the building blocks of important signaling molecules (eicosanoids) in the body and of the structural components of our cell membranes (phospholipids). The body can only produce about 15% of the EPA and DHA fatty acids we need, so we must get the rest from diet.

Like with all supplements, consult with your physician before taking a fish-oil supplement, especially if you have a medical condition.

2. Omega-3s benefit more than just your heart: Fact

Omega-3s definitely play an important role in cardiovascular health, but its work doesn’t stop there. The brain, eyes, and joints benefit from omega-3s, too, as DHA is used to make phospholipids, a structural component of the cell membrane. DHA supports cognitive function, aiding in learning and memory, and may support mental health as well.

Suffice it to say, omega-3s are very good for you. No matter what your health looks like, it’s always a good idea to support your heart and brain, and omega-3s do just that—and more.

3. Fish is the only source of omega-3s: Myth

While fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines are the most common sources of omega-3s, there are other omega-3 sources. Walnuts, flaxseed oil, and chia seeds contain a third type of omega-3 fatty acids—ALA. However, you would have to eat a significant amount of ALA-containing nuts and seeds to get what you need, and the benefits of ALA aren’t as strong as EPA and DHA.

Omega-3 softgel capsules can ensure you’re getting the omega-3s you need in your diet, especially if fish isn’t something you eat regularly. More on that a little later.

4. Fish oil supplements contain dangerous amounts of mercury: Myth

Mercury is a byproduct of pollution and is found in most seafood. This is why children and pregnant women are advised to avoid high-mercury fish like swordfish, marlin, and albacore tuna. For everyone else, there is little to no risk of consuming fish a few times a week.

While the benefits of eating fish far outweigh the potential risks of consuming it, many feel more comfortable getting their omega-3s through a fish-oil supplement. However, not all fish-oil supplements are created equal. Look for a reputable supplement like OmegaLife-3 Resolv that only uses the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and have also been thoroughly tested to ensure they can be taken daily.

5. I can get all the omega-3s I need from my diet: It depends

Nutritionists recommend eating fatty fish twice a week to ensure you’re getting the omega-3s you need. If you like fish and are able to eat it regularly, you’ll be in good shape.

But for those who aren’t able to eat fish that often, aren’t a fan of the taste, or are on a vegetarian diet, a fish-oil supplement helps to fill in the gaps. Unicity’s OmegaLife-3 Resolv is a high-quality, concentrated, purified fish-oil supplement that delivers 1,500 mg of EPA and DHA, two of the most powerful omega-3 fatty acids. This combination not only supports a balanced omega-3-to-6 ratio diet, but also supports cardiovascular health, cognitive performance, and cell structure stability to promote overall health and wellness.

Essential omega-3s

After reading this article, you may be thinking that omega-3s can in fact do it all—which, to be fair, isn’t too far off. Omega-3s are extremely useful for anyone wanting to support their overall health. That’s not to say you can stop exercising and eating a healthy variety of foods, but any extra effort you can make to ensure you’re getting these essential fatty acids—both in your diet and through omega-3 softgels—will be well worth it.

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